Intellectual property rights and firm performance in Europe: an economic analysis

Publiceret 01-06-2015

EUIPO published in june 2015 a report on the impact of IPR on the financial results of businesses.

EUIPO udarbejdede i juni 2015 en rapport om betydningen af IPR for virksomheders økonomiske resultater. Den konkluderer, at virksomheder der ejer IP-rettigheder generelt har:

  • 29 % højere indtjening pr. medarbejder
  • 6 gange så mange ansatte
  • op til 20 % højere lønninger

i forhold til virksomheder, der ikke ejer IP-rettigheder.

Rapporten er udarbejdet af The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights.

Undersøgelsen er baseret på officielle økonomiske data for mere end 2,3 millioner europæiske virksomheder. Undersøgelsen omfatter patenter, varemærker og design-rettigheder på både nationalt og EU-plan.

Rapporten har titlen ”Intellectual property rights and firm performance in Europe: an economic analysis” og kan læses her på Observatoriets hjemmeside

Companies owning intellectual property rights (IPRs) have, in general, 29% higher revenue per employee, about six times as many employees and pay wages that are up to 20% higher than firms which do not own IPRs.

These are among the main findings of this study carried out by the EU Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights

The study, which is based on official public financial data from more than 2.3 million European firms, covers companies which own patents, trade marks and designs at both national and EU level.

The study was published in June 2015.

Link to the study

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