Illegal IPTV in the EU

Publiceret 27-11-2019

This study contributes to the understanding of the illegal IPTV phenomenon.

This report has been carried out to estimate the number of individuals involved in consumption of unauthorised IPTV as well as to assess the potential revenue generated by copyright infringing IPTV providers.

About the report EUIPO writes “The EUIPO report on illegal IPTV in the EU estimates that the unlawful revenue generated by this phenomenon in 2018 was a staggering EUR 941.7 million and that these services were used by 13.7 million people in the EU (3.6 % of the EU-28 population). Copyright-infringing business models exploit evolving technology and emerging business opportunities, and this report provides an insight into the technical aspects, complex supply chains and legal issues involved, as well as covering related case-law. The report casts light on the dark side of an everyday activity which is being exploited by organised crime. “

The full report can be found here.

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